Designs For Life

Designs For Life is an eCommerce website specialising in Bathroom, Kitchen and Laundry tapware and accessories. As a member of Plumbing Supplies Online eCommerce stores, I manage the sales, updates, creation of new pages and redesigns throughout the website. 

I am constantly adding new products, editing all product images and creating either new stand-alone graphics for the website, or creating a digital bathroom space. 

I have redesigned how the product pages look and  designed landing pages for specific ranges and collections.

I have also filmed and edited many informational and promotional videos published online for customers to visualise the products functionality, as well as how to install our products in lieu of visiting a physical store.

I created social media profiles on Instagram, LinkedIn and Pinterest for the company, which has succeeded in gaining interest, generating traffic and sales through the website. I’ve also created various email campaigns using MailChip in order to share information with those who subscribe to the website. 

Along with all the promotional content posted online through various social networks, I have created Google Ads and Facebook Ads which have generated traffic and revenue for the website.

Web Design
